Chilldyne Deep Dive

Chilldyne Basics: Worldwide provider of DLC liquid cooling components including CDUs, cold plates, rack/server manifolds, utilizing negative pressure and actively monitoring water quality control. The company is headquartered in California, was founded in 2011, and has approximately ??? employees.

Introduction and brief summary of interview.
The latest interview will be posted here, with previous interviews and summaries below.
# customers, size of largest installations, other metrics
Best Fit
Where is your companies 'sweet spot'? Can't be everything to everyone.
Not So Best Fit
No company fits every customer need, it is a sign of credibility that a company recognizes this.
Customer High Points
What do customers like most about the company? Doesn't have to be technical.
Key Partners
Who are the key partners that work with your company? Don't need a massive list, but the most important and recognizable partners.
Other sections can include:
- Links to white papers/research reports
- Links to press releases or company blog
- Links to company YouTube page or podcasts
- Links to solution page and/or product page